Alyssa Sanchez
Alyssa Sanchez
  • Year:
  • High School:


2015-2016: Alyssa showed up in the summer of freshman year excited and in shape but a series of small injuries really took away from her season. Prior to getting hurt, she did run a soild 21:42 at Woodward Park. Alyssa did place 18th at the Coast Conference Championship despite a lack of training.

Alyssa didn't quite shake all the injuries from the fall but did manage to run 20:56 for 5000m at the Chabot Invitational. She placed 12th at the Conference Championship 5000m.

Prior to Hartnell: Alyssa only competed for one full season as a junior at Soledad High School. During that year, she did record a respectable 21:48 at Toro Park.

"I'm hoping Alyssa saw all the things she could do better from her freshman year because that could help her be one of the biggest surprises in conference and really help a young team. She definitely has the motivation and I'm pulling for her to have a great sophomore year."
