Sergio Coronel
Sergio Coronel
  • Year:
  • High School:


Freshman Year: Sergio enjoyed his best cross country season of his career in the fall placing 21st at the Coast Conference meet. With more training under his belt from the fall, Sergio surged to the forefront of Northern California middle distance running in the spring. He placed sixth in the 1500 meter final at the Northern California Championship and also scored in three events at the Coast Conference Championships. He will bring personal bests of 2:00, 4:01, 9:11, 15:45 into the fall.

Prior to Hartnell: Sergio joined the Panthers in fall of 2015 but didn't officially compete until Spring 2016. This fall will be his first cross country season for the Panthers. At Salinas High School, Sergio ws a varsity runner for the Cowboys his final two years. On the track, Sergio showed good leg speed with a 2:07 800 meter personal best.

"Sergio by far is one of the greatest surprises in my career. From an unassuming runner who joined cross country too late to compete his first year to one of the best all around runners in the region is pretty amazing. With great efficiency and the willingness to try to learn as much in training as possible, Sergio is one of the most dangerous guys in not just the region but the state."
